5 Masonry Contractors near San Francisco, CA

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Best San Francisco Masonry Contractors

We specialize in high end stone cutting and installation throughout the San Francisco Bay area. Based on your your drawing and template we can recommend suitable stone and provide free estimate. We have a list of the best stone resources in the Bay area where you can view and select slabs. We specialize… View more

 1742 Yosemite Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124
Masonry Contractors

1 reviews

Let's turn your yard into an oasis, making useful as well as beautiful! Here is a partial list of what we do: Yard clean ups, Flower bed development and care Tree trimming, Rock work and repair, Bougainvillea control, All things cacti, Roses... If it has thorns and you don't want to deal with it, call… View more

 29 Fulton St, San Francisco, CA 94118
Yard Clean-Up Tree Services Masonry Contractors

James's Concrete and Masonry

We specialize in concrete, driveways, sidewalks, patios, color stamp, blockwalls, retainingwalls, pavers, brick stone, tile, lanscaping, drains... Quality workmanship, references, license and insured! Free estimates, low prices! View more

San Francisco, CA
Masonry Contractors


Feel free to be descriptive about your project. Please call me! View more

San Francisco, CA
Masonry Contractors

Stone mason, concrete and brick restoration. Eco landscaping gardening

Moved here recently from New Zealand and am now offering my skills I love all stone, brick and clinker brick work. I can make stone and brick walls, pavers, paths and small concrete pads. Repair and restoration is a passion of mine because I enjoy making old things look fresh and clean. Difficult to access is no problem for me. View more

San Francisco, CA
Masonry Contractors

Recent Reviews

6 years ago

I wanted to remodel my garden completely after the cold period. So I turned to Green Urban Farming and they offered me some ideas but first, they started with careful cleaning of the garden and bringing the bushes and the plants (or what was left from them) in order. After that, we thoroughly planned…

Margaret N.

Hired pro

Review for:

Green Urban Farming
7 years ago

All I can say is WOW!!! I was very happy to find and hire the True Stone. Everyone is friendly here and shows the highest level of professionalism.

Darrell Nash

Hired pro

Review for:

True Stone